Hassabo: Sudan Health Strategy Focuses on Primary Health and Inclusive Coverage

Hassabo: Sudan Health Strategy Focuses on Primary Health and Inclusive Coverage

July/04 | pm:12:44 / No Comments 195 views

SUNA – President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman, has appreciated the efforts of the African Union and its institutions and the AU Commission for Social Affairs in the combating of Malaria, AIDS and Tuberculosis.
In an intervention during the summit on the issue of health and its social and economic impacts on the African communities, Hassabo said that Sudan obtains a strategy on health which is focused on the primary health and inclusive coverage.
He indicated that the budget assigned for health in Sudan has amounted to 20% of the country’s general budget in the year 2017.
Hassabo said that Sudan aims to provide health insurance cards for every citizen for having subsidized medical treatment.
He referred to the state’s support to the qualification and training of the health cadres and doctors, adding that 9800 doctors have been graduated in the past three years.
He said that 17,800 midwives have been given training in the past three years, indicating that the state is giving concern to the programs of health education, maternity and children health,
He referred to the extensive programs being implemented by Sudan in the combating of malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis.
The Vice – President pointed out that Sudan is facing the challenge of hosting big numbers of refugees and providing them with health, water and education services, adding that the country needs cooperation and exchange of information for combating epidemic diseases.

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