Al- Dawalab Stresses Sudan Commitment With Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

Al- Dawalab Stresses Sudan Commitment With Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

October/24 | pm:12:23 / No Comments 231 views

The Federal Minister of Security and Social Development, Masha’air al-Dawalab, has asserted the Sudan’s commitment to the “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction”.
During her address, Monday, at the humanitarian aid commission, the celebration of the international day for reduction of disaster, she has lauded the efforts of all the national mechanisms and relevant ministries, the national and foreign organizations and UN agencies working for the reduction of numbers of persons affected by disasters.
She noted that the ministry is working for the development of the early warning systems, and the capability of intervention to limit the damages caused by disasters, she indicated her ministries commitment to the goals of the sustainable development, the social protection sector for the vulnerable segments of the elderly, and the persons with disabilities who are always at risk of disasters.
The state minister of the ministry of development, rural environment and resources, Aboud Jabir, has called for exerting efforts on the regional, international and local levels to face the challenges of disasters.
Meanwhile, the humanitarian aid commissioner, Ahmed Adam, has revealed the existence of a national policy for the disaster’s managements due to shortly be launched with the participation of experts from IGAD, lauding efforts of all partners in this regard.

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