AU Summit affirms prevalence of peace in Darfur

AU Summit affirms prevalence of peace in Darfur

July/04 | pm:1:04 / No Comments 176 views

SUNA-The 29th Ordinary African Union Summit underlined that peace prevalence in Darfur was confirmed by the AU Peace and Security Council that visited the five Darfur States recently and the UN Security Council that decided to reduce UNAMID forces.
Foreign Minister, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour said in a statement to SUNA, that the Summit also indicate to the national dialogue and its outcome, formation of national accord government and appointment of Prime Minister and that Sudan has made strides towards cementing national unity and achievement of peace and security.
He added that the Guinean President and Chairman of the African Union, Alpha Conde pointed out that the experiment of the Sudanese national dialogue should be pursued by African countries plagued with political disputes and rebel movements.

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