EU approves financing of Wadi El-Koua project’s second phase at 10 million euros

EU approves financing of Wadi El-Koua project’s second phase at 10 million euros

June/19 | am:11:51 / No Comments 254 views

Khartoum-  (SUNA) – The European Union (EU) has agreed to finance the second phase of the Wadi El-Koua Basin Project in the North Darfur State at a sum of 10 million Euros and the implementation would start in October this year and last for five years.
The Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Forests of North Darfur State Engineer Anwar Ishaq Suleiman praised the EU and the United Nations Environment Organization (UNEP) for their role in the integrated management of water resources, improvement of livelihoods and preservation of environment in the state.
During his meeting at his ministry’s office in El-Fashir with the EU Advisor on Wadi El-Koua Mrs. Magda Nassif, the minister stressed the need for continuity of cooperation and coordination with the European Union to implement the second phase of the project.
Eng. Suleiman reviewed the great benefits of the project for the citizens, particularly with respect to the improvement of livelihoods, poverty reduction and environment preservation, announcing his ministry’s commitment to stand with the European Union in order to implement the project.
For her part, the EU adviser revealed that the work would begin in October 2017 for five years, stressing that her visit to the state came with the aim to sit with the advisory and technical committee as well as the local partners and communities of the project to select the project areas, pointing out that the European Union has proposed that the second phase to begin from the lowest valley to the highest valley.

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