Italy Contributes to UNICEF Work in Sudan Prevention and Control of Malnutrition in Red Sea
May/17 | pm:2:25 / No Comments 410 viewsKhartoum (UNICEF Press Release) – The Italian Government, through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, will provide €500,000 for a new UNICEF-implemented project in Red Sea State.
The 12-month project is to be implemented in 5 localities in the Eastern State with an aim to prevent and control malnutrition in the region, specifically targeting children under 5, pregnant and lactating women.
While funded by Italy, UNICEF is to provide technical guidance and support to the Ministry of Health in the State of Red Sea, its main implementing partner in the region.
The signing ceremony, which took place at the Headquarters of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation-AICS in Khartoum, was attended by representatives from both signing parties, led by H.E. Fabrizio Lobasso, Ambassador of Italy in Sudan, who has expressed his great satisfaction for this accomplishment emphasizing the importance of providing access to nutrition for children and infants in the region “Italy has always been engaged in providing better life options for the people of Sudan and this project opens a new opportunity for vulnerable groups in the region”.
Mr. Abdullah A. Fadil, UNICEF Country Representative, conveyed his appreciation to the significant Italian assistance in this field:”This project, Prevention and Control of Malnutrition in the Red Sea state, provides us with a wonderful opportunity to further partnership on nutrition– as part of a bigger, holistic response to children in the Eastern states. The focus on prevention is particularly important in bridging the Humanitarian – development divide. I would truly like to thank and congratulate the Government and people of Italy for being a pioneer partner, in investing in the longer-term prevention of malnutrition.”