Juba denies secret agreement with Egypt to harm Ethiopia

Juba denies secret agreement with Egypt to harm Ethiopia

January/18 | pm:2:11 / No Comments 290 views

Reduce the Ambassador of South Sudan to Ethiopia, James beta Morja of the recent rumors that the Juba government held a secret agreement with a party unspoken aim of working against Ethiopia, stressing that his country can not make a deal with a third party is likely to harm the interests of Ethiopia.
He described Morja in an interview with the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation Monday as fabricated rumors.
Since the President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir visited Egypt a few days ago rumors spread through social media claims that the two leaders agreed to sabotage the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project, which is being built on the Nile River, which Cairo fears that reduces the water share.
It came Salva Kiir’s visit to Cairo weeks after a meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in Kampala.
It claimed unconfirmed reports sourced from the armed opposition, led by former Vice President Riek Machar that Salva Kiir meeting and Sisi was part of a “dirty deal” between the two leaders in order to harm the bridge to Ethiopia.
But the diplomat said the South Sudan Salva Kiir’s visit to Cairo was “unusual and bilateral visit,” at the same time refuted reports that indicated that his country refuses to publish spurt in regional security forces in the country.
In August of last year’s United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution approving the deployment of extra-strong peacekeeping force for the 4000 United Nations Mission in South Sudan (Aonims).
The Security Council issued a decision in response to concerns about the fighting in the capital Juba and obstruction of the mission and other humanitarian organizations and the failure of warring parties to implement the peace agreement brokered by the UN in August 2015.
More recently accused Ethiopian Prime Minister Haile Mariam Dessalines Egyptian institutions of harboring and supporting and financing Ethiopian terrorist groups, pointing out that the support of the Egyptian institutions will affect the relations between the two countries, where it is targeting his country’s stability.

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