Minister of Minerals: Australian and international companies express their desire to invest in minerals

Minister of Minerals: Australian and international companies express their desire to invest in minerals

November/06 | am:11:58 / No Comments 270 views

The Minister of Minerals Prof. Hashim Ali Salim led the country’s delegation participated in the World Conference on Minerals and Natural Resources held in Melbourne, Australia.
The minister said, in statements to the press upon his return to the country on Sunday, that the conference was an opportunity to review the investment opportunities of the country’s mineral resources, particularly after the lift of economic sanctions. He pointed out that Sudan delegation held a number of joint meetings with geological experts to benefit from the Australian experience in the field of exploration and mining as well as the discussion of ways to prepare modern laboratories, establish mining analysis and indigenize mineral industry.
“We also sat, on the sidelines of the meetings, with the Victoria government to discuss the training of Sudanese minerals and we discussed the financing companies we need. We also sat with the mineral ministers of the Arab, African and Asian countries as well as the Turkish and Australian mineral companies and invited them to participate in the Third International Mineral Conference in Sudan, which is to be held in March”.

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