President Assistant: State Depends on Private Sector for Development of Agriculture, Industrial Production

President Assistant: State Depends on Private Sector for Development of Agriculture, Industrial Production

November/06 | pm:12:05 / No Comments 198 views

The Assistant of the President of the Republic, the Deputy Chairman of the National Congress Party for the Party’s Affairs, engineer, Ibrhim Mahmoud, noted that the state greatly counts on the efforts of the private sector for the development of the country’s agriculture and industry.
During his visit to Abu Neiama Company for food security, in Abu Hujar locality, Sinnar State, accompanied by the Govern of Sinnar state, al Dawoo al Mahi, and his state’s government members, he inspected the company’s harvest of cotton soybeans.
The Assistant of the President indicated that the contractual agriculture has achieved great success, pointing to the initiative of Abu Naiema Company in adopting the cultivation of the Indian cotton which has recognized success.
Businessman Ma’awia al- Berier, investor of the company, has expressed gratitude to the President of the Republic for sponsoring the company and his concern with the private agricultural sector.
The governor of Sinnar state, lauded the great social role played by the project in the area, stressing the state’s government support to all the production sectors.

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