Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Praises Sudan’s Role in Arab Coalition

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Praises Sudan’s Role in Arab Coalition

February/22 | pm:1:00 / No Comments 253 views

ABU DHABI — (The National) Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed has praised the role of Sudan, under the leadership of President Omar Hassan Al Bashir, in joining the Arab

Coalition and its support for the Saudi-led operation to bring hope to Yemen.
The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces also praised the performance of Sudanese forces in field operations, alongside other Arab Coalition forces.
“In the name of the children of the UAE, we present our salutations and appreciation for you honouring us and we renew the gratitude for this honourable stance against interventions that aim to change the identity of the region and divide its nations to serve both regional and external agendas,” Sheikh Mohammed said.
Sheikh Mohammed met President Al Bashir at the Sea Palace in Abu Dhabi on Monday.
President Al- Bashir said Sudan’s support for the Arab Coalition is a duty as it represents one of the requirements of Arab security.
“It is an honour for us that we have a role with brothers in preservation of security, stability and the interests of the Arab countries,” he said.
During the meeting, President Al Bashir recalled the efforts of the UAE’s Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed, to unify the people of the region and join them under one banner. He described Sheikh Zayed as the “Teacher of Generations”.
He also expressed his happiness and appreciation at being honoured with the Zayed Medal.

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