State Minister of International Cooperation Praises Role of JICA in Sudan’s Development Projects

State Minister of International Cooperation Praises Role of JICA in Sudan’s Development Projects

October/25 | pm:12:20 / No Comments 295 views

) The State Minister at the Ministry of International Cooperation, Somia A’akad has praised support provided by the state of Japan during the past years via the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with which a number of development projects have been implemented in the center and the Sudan’s different states.
During her meeting with Mrs. Hiro Tacoma, the Deputy Resident Representative of the Japanese Agency in Sudan, she noted that JICA works with full coordination with the Ministry of International Cooperation in order to maximize benefits from the projects implemented by the organization in the Sudan.
She explained that the role of the Ministry of International Cooperation is to coordinates with the development partners, besides working to overcome the difficulties and to follow up the development projects implemented by the UN organizations and the national agencies.
The Minister asserted that her ministry will play great role to facilitate and provide the local component for the implementation of many developmental activities carried out by relevant bodies.
The two sides have agreed on continuing joint consultation in framework of the sustainable development.

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