Sudan and Malaysian Bionas Group Sign MoU
April/29 | pm:12:41 / No Comments 323 viewsKhartoum – A Memorandum of Understanding was signed last Thursday, between the Higher Council for Environment and Urban Development in Khartoum State, the Africa
City of Technology and the Malaysian Bionas Group during a workshop organized by the National Assembly’s Agriculture Committee. The projects set to produce two million tons of Jatropha plant oil.
Minister of Environment, Dr. Hassan Hilal said that the MoU includes a package of projects which will be developed to a comprehensive agreement with the Ministry as a focal point and coordinator.
The project includes construction of model green villages within the integrated economical development.
The project also includes supporting the great green fence of Sudan and plantation of Gum Arabic besides recycling of garbage to generate electricity.
Representative of the Parliament Agriculture Committee aims to fight poverty and raise standard of living, increase capacity building for small producers at rural areas by targeting five million and 600 thousand people.
Director of Africa City of Technology, Dr Osama Al-Reis said the production of biofuel was a national project set to bridge the gap in production of electricity especially at rural areas.
The Minister at the Higher Council for Environment in Khartoum State, Maj. Gen. Omer Nimir indicated to importance of Parliament role in enactment of laws and legislations for environmental field, stressing importance of partnership to make use of Malaysian experiment in domain of production of biofuel.