Trade Minister calls for utilization of Sudan’s resources for economic sanctions post-lifting period

Trade Minister calls for utilization of Sudan’s resources for economic sanctions post-lifting period

October/24 | pm:12:32 / No Comments 261 views

The Minister of Trade Hatim Al-Sir has called for utilization of Sudan resources, historical relations and strategic location to achieve comprehensive development in the coming stage, especially after the lifting of economic sanctions.
In his address, at the Corinthia Hotel Monday, to the workshop on insurance through the yellow card and the guarantee of customs warehouses organized by the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa’s (COMESA) Coordination Unit at the Ministry of Commerce in collaboration with the Insurance Supervisory Authority, the minister pointed out that the last period witnessed a growing demand of investors from all over the world to benefit from the investment opportunities available in the country which increased the volume of trade exchange with COMESA countries.
The Minister of Trade praised COMESA for its stand with Sudan before and after the lifting of the economic sanctions, pointing out that the workshop coincided with the latest developments in the country, especially following the lifting of economic sanctions which have greatly affected the economic and trade conditions and external relations. However, he added, Sudan was able to communicate with its regional international surroundings.
The minister pointed out that the ministry has been working on a project to push forward the regional integration and achieve the objectives of the COMESA, calling for the formation of a regional office of insurance in Sudan through the yellow card to take advantage of its services, pointing out that the workshop represents a real integration of the various organs of the state, calling for a single vision on the application of the yellow card in Sudan to flourish trade and integrate with the countries of the region, stressing the readiness of the ministry to implement and adopt the outcomes of the workshop.

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